When you use HDR for images on your Android

It is clear that the smartphone camera, in just a few years come a long way, but what you might not be aware of is that most of the improvement can be attributed to the software. When it comes to cameras with small sensors and lenses, such as those on your Android, require a finely tuned to processing of the data collected get an image that looks great.

While the HDR can not fix every problem shooting with your Android phone, you can certainly help your small camera to produce breathtaking images, which you really want to show. However, for best results should be used in moderation HDR. Let me show you when to turn the switch on the HDR, and when you go natural.

A quick explanation of HDR

HDR Images - High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI or HDR) is a set of techniques used in the shooting and the image is reproduced greater dynamic range of light than any standard digital imaging techniques or photographic can do.

When you use HDR while shooting

As is the case in most of the photos, there is a firm rule when you should and should not be used for your HDR image. Different cell phones differently cope with the HDR-TV, but despite the differences, there are some situations where it pays to try out HDR as a way to improve your shots.

The same image without HDR (above) and the HDR-TV (below)

In any situation where the recording of your staff has a wide range of light, you'll want to try HDR. As in the example above, or a situation in which the portrait subject lit from behind and a lot darker than the surroundings. HDR will allow you to lighten your subject in the foreground holding the background also in the correct light.

When HDR maybe not the best choice

It is clear that the HDR can make a big difference in the quality of images that you can get from your smartphone, but there are some situations in which it is simply not an option.

HDR is not always the best choice in a super low-light situations. Considering that from the start there is a very low amount of light, low exposure shots can actually darken the final image, rather than leaving it brighter. Many cell phones will also try to gloss over the images in HDR-in, which could only blur the entire video. It would be best to first try the "night" or "low light" mode on your camera, if you have one.

Night images with HDR-TV (above) and without HDR (below)

Because HDR imaging requires multiple photos in sequence, any situation in which you and / or your subject is moving will be good for this mode. When the software attempts to connect together multiple snapshots, you might see shadows around objects which were moving, inequality in an otherwise sharp lines and needless loss of color. You'd better use a car or action mode and then lighten the image.

Finally, you may need practice

If it seems as if we have not come to a final conclusion as to use HDR, it is because the choice between different shooting modes - including HDR - requires a bit of speculation and practice. With variations in the scenes, quality camera and imaging software, the answer to "whether to use HDR here?" May be different depending on these factors.

But hopefully it will with this new knowledge of what is HDR, how it works and some tips when you use it, the more confidence to choose the right mode for each of your image.

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