Android M brings distributable keyboard and multi-window (VIDEO)
Android M to ordinary mortals have to wait much longer. After the fall of the Google officially launches, manufacturers will be again officially commit to update existing devices within 90 days, which means that the majority of Android M, taste only next year. Hope is indeed good and says that this time might still surprise.
In any case, the test version for developers of Android M and Nexus devices already out there, and the developers do not make developers if there nosed zeros and ones, thus revealing things that Google is not noted on the I / O conference.
In addition to support for divided display keyboard, which makes typing with your thumbs on the large screens, they found under the hood and native support for Multiwindow mode, which in turn should include changes in the build prop file.
It is interesting that at this early beta of Android M all together works smooth and fluid, so there is a hope that the new files to be just like what we want.