New Twitter's application Periscope finally available for Android!

Periscope is an application for live streaming video, which is for only 10 days when he appeared for iOS devices has reached one million users.

Periscope is a Twitter app for live streaming video. It was exactly two months ago appeared to iOS devices and is now available for Android.

This application is a competition famous meerkat, but Periscope for only 10 days reached one million users, and is especially popular among celebrities and journalists.

Periscope application works in portrait mode, and not in 16: 9, above the stream, you can write a message to the desired haštagovima to those who follow you can see your stream.

Periscope will when you first open recommend that zapratite all the people you follow on Twitter, and then will show you a list of current and recent live streaming.

If people follow now nothing published, by sliding your finger to the right you can see what's currently on the Periscope-in broadcasts around the world.

People who watch your stream you agree virtual heart (like), which will rank on the world list.

Periscope app is free to install and can be downloaded HERE

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